• Jasminnia


  • Russian Federation
  • English
  • Last activity

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Biography of Jasminnia

About camgirl

I welcome you to my world, my dear :)
My name is Tanya , I'm russian girl, but for work here I choose more beatiful name - Jasmin ;)
I want to tell you something about myself :) I am always glad to have new good friends and pleasant communication here! I am kind and friendly, but I really want respect from you! And if you want to see the show then do not demand it for free. I will try to make you happy and ask for this feedback!
I love polite men with whom you can both talk and play. I also like to tease, dance and sing for you! I have heels and we can play with them if there is a desire:))
In real life I am a very modest girl ... here I am to relax, to show the world my sexuality. I know, I'm not perfect, but I'm real. Here with me you can feel safe, warm. I will always listen and support you, with me you can share your fantasies and desires.
I'm 21 y.o.

If you want to make me feel good - tip me ;)
Be my friend here - for free.
Be my knight - 1111 tks ;)
All requests in pvt or c2c chat! ONLY!
By the way, I like c2c chat more, because I like to see the person with whom I communicate ;) :0
I don't have bf :) I'm free person and open minded for new expirience :)
menu level lovense
1- 10 tks: 3 seconds
11-49tks: 7 seconds
50-99tks; 12 seconds
100-199tks; 25 seconds
200-300tks: 36 seconds
301-499tks: 49 seconds
500tks-999tks; 1 minute
1000tks-1999tks: 3 minutes
2000tks-5000 tkss: 5 minutes
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In my shows you can see how a woman can open up and become a sexy babe who wants pleasure ...
you can give me such pleasure ... lovens reacts to tokens and makes me die of pleasure...it's so bad i'm so naughty when he's in me...mmm...

Country:Russian Federation
Body Type:Aver