• Spain
  • Spain
  • English, Spanish
  • Last activity

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Informations about SUERFER

Says about itself

Currently from Qatar

I love sex but above all I love to have a lot of laughs with good sexo....

Girls and couples let's get down to business? jajajajaj

You can call me "surfero cañero"

PRIVACY POLICY - The use of my profile, video, photos or audio, in any modality (online or offline) either now or in the future, are not allowed to any person without my express and signed consent (for any use).ThereforeANY ACTION taken to promote the use of my profile, video, photos or audio is a violation of my privacy and an infringement of my copyright and is subject to legal action that will be initiated in all cases involving the UNAUTHORIZED use of my profile and the information contained therein

Webcam tags

Languages:English, Spanish
Interested In:Women