• Terminator_Cameron


  • Italy
  • English
  • Last activity

Terminator_Cameron is offline now

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Informations about Terminator_Cameron

Says about itself

Lets all be friends.
I am interested in men.

Follow me on twitter: Terminator_Cameron twitter.com/supercamgirl
Note: For the models which are red usernames if you want to contact me
please go to my twitter page and contact me there because i don't reply to models here,
But i do reply to everyone on twitter.
twitter is the best place for anyone to contact me.
My camming availability and my chatroom policy:
I am on cam almost everyday.
I respond to men in my chatroom and pm but grey usernames i don't respond.
There is only one that I will never respond too here or add.
My friendlist policy: everyone is welcome on my friendlist accept for one is not allowed
on my friendlist.
Stripchat pm and chatroom banning options:
1. pm and chatroom banning:
A user can get banned after sending a single comment in a chatroom or pm. A user can get banned after sending a friend request in pm too.
When a user sends a friend request or pm to another user that user who receives the friends request or pm will have the option to block.
once a user private messages pms another member user or send friend request and the
user pms back or send friend request they can ban each other in pm.
Once a member sets a comment in a models chatroom the model can ban him by
clicking on his comment he left in the chatroom.
2. cam model banning users on their friendlist from viewing their chatroom:
a model who adds a user on their friendlist can easily ban them from their chatroom
without the friendlist user setting a comment in the friend model chatroom.
the model can just click on their usernames of a friend user who visits her chatroom
Stripchat friendlist and knight list.
1. Stripchat Knight list: When a cammodel adds knight users on her list the knight usernames are visible to everyone to see. Models can only add up to 25 knights on their knight list is the limit rule setting here. i already reach my knight limit.
2. Stripchat Friendlist: When a cammodel or a regular user adds other users on their friendlist their friendlist are invisible from public view only the owner of the account can see his or her friendlist once they login to their account.
For example: I can see my friendlist when I login to my account but no users here in public can see my friend li

Body Type:Thin