• Sweet_Kathe1


  • Antioquia, Colombia
  • Antioquia, Colombia
  • английский, французский, испанский
  • Last activity

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Инфо о Sweet_Kathe1

Рассказывает о себе

The Virgo woman is determined, capable, independent, methodical and full of excellence, capable of building her world and placing it at her feet

observant and patient, I sometimes seem cold, and in fact I find it difficult to make great friends,

I am discreet, kind and funny, sensible

Character: perfectionist

Color = pink, red, yellow, black

size s

Strengths = loyalty, analytical skills, kind, hardworking and practical.

Weaknesses: shyness, overly critical concern with myself and others.

Modesty, intelligence and shyness are my characteristics I am usually meticulous, practical and hardworking. I have great analytical skills, I like healthy living, making lists, order and hygiene

i am conservative and perfectionist and tend to worry too much.my meticulous side can lead me to be overly critical and harsh with others.I dislike dirt and disorder.I seek perfection in everything I do, I am practical, logical and feel the need for everything to work like clockwork.in love I am a loving, dedicated and faithful person.romantic and tender

Языки:английский, французский, испанский
Interested In:Women, Couples, Men, Trans